Month: September 2013

  • Economic Interpretations of the Constitution

    Products of their times In my own odd duck way, I’m enjoying reading two related classics on the economic factors that may or may not have influenced the construction of the U.S. Constitution. Initially intended as a bit of catching up on a famous book neglected only due to life’s other demands, my reading of…

  • Constitution Day – 2013

    Constitution Day – breaking the vacuum Coincidental to today’s celebration of Constitution Day, I began reading for the first time the Charles Beard 1913 classic, An economic interpretation of the United States Constitution. As with any topic of history, one pursuit becomes many, such is the case with my belated study of Beard’s groundbreaking work.…

  • An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution at 100

    Thoughts on a classic I’m not proud of the fact that I’ve only now begun to read the late Charles Beard’s classic work, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. However, now that I’ve cracked this book open, I’m learning some compelling facts about both the text and it’s author. My intent…

  • Levi Coffin House – Staying in focus

    Levi Coffin House – Staying in focus

    As a disclaimer, my views on this topic are my own and may not reflect those of The Levi Coffin House Association or the State of Indiana. Interpreting the past, not the present. Labors of love for an important story Two weeks from today I’ll be volunteering, as will every last volunteer we have, at…