Category: Culture

  • The Bonus Army and the fate of the GI Bill

    The Bonus Army and the fate of the GI Bill Douglass MacArthur already had a history of disobeying the president long before Truman removed the general from command during the Korean War. Like so many – if not all – developments in American history, it was from an act of civil protest that progress we now…

  • Flag Day reflections

    So what’s the big idea about Flag Day? Tomorrow, June 14, is Flag Day here in the United States. Of our several, official days of national recognition for patriotic themes, Flag Day is one of the lesser. Unlike President’s Day, which amalgamated the honoring of Lincoln’s February birthday with what had been exclusively George Washington’s…

  • No, history doesn’t repeat itself

    No, history doesn’t repeat itself

    No, history doesn’t repeat itself I’m as guilty as the next person of having blithely stated something no history teacher should ever accept, let alone utter. History does not repeat itself. Period. So what’s the purpose, the value of studying history if not to avoid making the same mistakes in the future? The answer has…

  • More teaching American history well

    More teaching American history well

    More teaching American history well Watching an educational film on the human body reminded me once more what makes for good instruction. While the practices displayed in the film apply to more than teaching American history, they underscore the them in a recent article in The Atlantic, High School History Doesn’t Have to be Boring.…