Month: January 2013

  • A sobering sea change in attitudes about drunk driving

    A sobering sea change in attitudes about drunk driving A fellow blogger celebrated the 16th of January’s significance as the day the nation went from dry to wet. The 21st Amendment repealed prohibition, one of the few progressive cures, I would argue, that produced as many or more ills as it remedied. In a balanced…

  • Marking Time: Historical Milestones

    Marking Time: Historical Milestones As is the case for many if not most new bloggers, the first year provides many posting opportunities not recognized until any timeliness is lost. That doesn’t take away from those well-timed posts that were made, but it does provide a nagging sense of unfinished business. Over my winter break from…

  • 113th Congress-History and Day One

    113th Congress – History and Day One If you’ve never heard the name Thomas B. Reed then it’s likely you may be under the mistaken belief that the notorious filibuster was always exclusive to the U.S. Senate. Likewise, if Reed’s name doesn’t readily come to mind, the full significance the Speaker of the House of…