Category: Culture

  • Forgetting King, Kennedy and Indianapolis

    Forgetting King, Kennedy and Indianapolis

    Forgetting King, Kennedy, and Indianapolis It was Friday and the students were in a noticeably high mood even for a Friday. I was teaching in an English, (as in grammar), classroom at an urban Indianapolis area school with a diverse, largely African-American profile. In addition to being the end of a school week, the date…

  • Teaching research skills before students go solo

    Teach research skills before your students go solo My flight instructor climbed out from the Cessna’s right seat and casually told me to “taker her up, fly the pattern, land and taxi back here.” Both of us knew I was prepared. It was my sixteenth birthday, the youngest age one can solo a powered aircraft.…

  • A great mug of coffee

    A great mug of coffee OK, technically it’s not really mental illness if it works, (or if Cthulhu* demands it be done)! In my happy quest to make the best coffee possible, I’ve gone to what the casual coffee drinker might call extensive measures. I use a French Press, filtered water, fresh, whole beans, and…

  • Teaching time

    Teaching time Whether you teach history or not, the effect of your instruction is always limited by an array of underlying skills. Time management is chief among these abilities needed to exceed existing potential. Like many realizations I’ve made while teaching, valuing time management strategies were emphasized in my days before becoming a teacher. Valuing…