Category: Culture

  • Veteran’s Day

    Veteran’s Day Today our school will hold its annual Veteran’s Day program. Across the country similar ceremonies will also honor those who served in the armed forces. These displays of gratitude will be accompanied by more personal expression, one in particular. “Thank you for your service.” I don’t know of any veteran who doesn’t appreciate…

  • Levi Coffin House – family ties

    The Levi Coffin House – family ties Bringing old memories into focus My own association with what is now the Levi Coffin House State Historic Site predates my earliest memories. The better part of my first five years was spent in the house catercorner from the old brick Federal style home where my mother’s sister…

  • The N-word – Under new management

    The N-word – Under new management I routinely hear the N-word used multiple times a day. Having spent the last year teaching in an urban Indianapolis area school district I estimate the racial epithet reaches my ear a dozen times every single day. However, I’ve not yet heard the term used as a pejorative. Something…

  • Defining marriage in the Hoosier State

    Defining marriage in the Hoosier State Within the next two weeks, the United States Supreme Court will render holdings in two cases involving secular marriage. The essence of both cases is to what degree a state government or Congress can define which persons can marry which other persons. While states are generally left to define…