Tag: unemployed veterans

  • The Bonus Army and the fate of the GI Bill

    The Bonus Army and the fate of the GI Bill Douglass MacArthur already had a history of disobeying the president long before Truman removed the general from command during the Korean War. Like so many – if not all – developments in American history, it was from an act of civil protest that progress we now…

  • Veteran’s Day

    Veteran’s Day Today our school will hold its annual Veteran’s Day program. Across the country similar ceremonies will also honor those who served in the armed forces. These displays of gratitude will be accompanied by more personal expression, one in particular. “Thank you for your service.” I don’t know of any veteran who doesn’t appreciate…

  • History as Prologue – 03-09-2013

    Catching up I’ve fallen into the self-made trap of considering so many great and timely topics for History as Prologue that’s I’ve neglected the actual posting of content. I’m comforted no so much that many other bloggers share this fault, but by the knowledge that it can be quickly corrected with a little diligence on…