Category: Labor History

  • February in Black History-pt. 1

    February in Black History-pt. 1

    The first week While 2021’s theme for Black History Month is, The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and  Diversity, the month of February has its own thesis. The first week of February includes the anniversaries of three crucial events in history. The Greensboro, North Carolina sit-in began on that date in 1960. Another dates back to…

  • The Sparks of the Triangle Fire – Before and After

    Sparks of the Triangle Fire   On April 5, 1911, nearly a half-million people witnessed or marched in a symbolic funeral procession commemorating the victims of the Triangle Waist Company Fire. Organized by the International Ladies Garment Worker Union, (ILGWU), the cortege included a horse-drawn, empty hearse and an estimated 120 thousand protesters demanding improvements for…

  • The Triangle Fire

    The Triangle Fire

    The Triangle Fire: A prologue                       Though a coincidence, the Triangle Fire of 1911 is memorialized each March, designated as Women’s History Month. While on each anniversary of the March 25 inferno that claimed 146 lives we remember those who died as innocent victims –…