Category: On This Date…

  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule

    It was on this date in 1865 when General William T. Sherman issued Special Field Order #15. The phrase, “40 acres and a mule” has become permanently tied to this wartime occupation order. Sherman issued the order after consultation with Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, the latter having met with a group of prominent…

  • February in Black History-pt. 1

    February in Black History-pt. 1

    The first week While 2021’s theme for Black History Month is, The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and  Diversity, the month of February has its own thesis. The first week of February includes the anniversaries of three crucial events in history. The Greensboro, North Carolina sit-in began on that date in 1960. Another dates back to…

  • 14th Amendment Ratified on this Date

    14th Amendment Ratified on this Date

    The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are collectively known as the reconstruction amendments. Of these, the 14th Amendment ratified on this date in 1868, continues to sustain the impact of the 13th which outlawed slavery and provides a robust framework for the enforcement of the 15th Amendment. Most consequential to passage…

  • East St. Louis Race Riot – 1917

    East St. Louis Race Riot – 1917

    The history of the 1917 East St. Louis Race Riot intersects many themes. The Great War put an abrupt halt to immigrant labor from Europe while creating a new demand for African-American workers in America’s northern manufacturing cities. War in Europe brings opportunity and conflict at home First thousands and then tens of thousands of…